Le lycée est certifié par la charte ECHE permettant l'obtention de bourses pour les mobilités à l'étranger des étudiants de BTS à partir de la rentrée 2025.
La charte ECHE est disponible ici :
Participation in Erasmus+
Our school has 2 higher education programs, that are short term (2 years after the baccalaureat).
It delivers a diploma: the “BTS”, superior technician certificate, that allows students to start working as a team leader or to continue their studies at a bachelor’s degree.
Both programs are in the field of trade, business, and marketing studies:
The BTS NDRC, based on customer relations, digitalization, and marketing,
The BTS International Trade, also requiring 3 foreign languages (English, then German or Spanish, and at a beginner’s level, Chinese, Italian, Japanese or Portuguese).
Each of these of programs include 16 weeks of professional training with a company, and a mandatory 4-week training period must occur in a foreign country for the BTS International Trade.
As our school is already very active in Eramus + programs for undergraduates, we consider that implementing an ECHE charter program for our Higher Education students will benefit them greatly if we include the possibility to spend their training period in a foreign country.
Therefore, we are applying for a KA1 program: both for student mobility for traineeships and staff mobility for training.
Strategy, objectives and impact
Our structure is a high school, with around 1040 students, including 126 students in higher education. The school is implanted in an area with less opportunities and 40% of our higher education students rely on scholarships to continue studying. Most of them have jobs on the side to pay for their daily expenses.
Foreign languages are a strong characteristic of our school with 7 different languages to choose from. This enhances the job opportunities of our students as it allows them to diversify their curriculum.
With the ECHE application, our strategy is to have more students to access traineeships in foreign countries, enriching their experience and allowing them to expand their own ambition.
We have defined three main objectives :
1. No students should be limited by their means to benefit from a traineeship in a foreign country. It requires too often their parents’ help to manage travelling and finding accommodation in the target country, even when they have found a hosting business. With a large proportion of students with less opportunity, we strongly believe we must try and develop ways for each of them to target the traineeship they aim for, not the one they can afford;
Realistically, we want to aim at 30% of mobility for the BTS NDRC students (10 students/year). In the BTS International Trade, where all students are expected to spend at least 4 weeks in a foreign country for a traineeship, we aim at helping financially 25% of the students (8 students/year).
2. Our students acquire a wide array of professional skills, but most of them stay in our area once they have their diploma. We are confident living through the experience of a mobility in a foreign country would open their minds and ease the possibility that they must move to acquire professional experience and interesting jobs.
3. Having our staff enter the program could allow us to build strong partnerships with companies all over the world eager to host our students. Finding foreign companies that will accept French students for 4-8 weeks traineeship is a difficult task for the students alone, we would like to have the opportunity to build a large-scale partnership. It will require that our staff is trained to better target the skills and knowledge that are expected from our students.
The impact we expect will be measured in two main fields:
The ambition of our students to continue their studies, by broadening their skills and knowledge.
Their capacity to apply to jobs that are perhaps a little further away or more ambitious.
For the objective 1 :
In BTS NDRC : number of students opting for a traineeship in a foreign country. Our target in the long run is to reach 5 students.
In BTS International Trade: a different choice of the countries they go to for their foreign traineeship. We would like to reach one third of the students (12)
For the objective 2 :
The proportion of students choosing to continue studying in a bachelor’s degree (as of 2022 : 52% of the BTS NDRC students and 67% of the BTS International Trade)
The proportion of students that are employed 6 months after getting their diploma (as of 2022 : 30%)
Lowering the attrition rate between the 1st and the 2nd year (as of 2022 : 12%)
For the objective 3 :
We aim at allowing 2 staff member per year to benefit from an Erasmus + training. They will become resources within our school to help students prepare for their mobilities.