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Documentation and Information Center (CDI)

The Documentation and Information Center is open to all members of the high school's educational community, to all pupils and BTS students.

It is open every day from Monday to Friday (except Monday morning and Friday afternoon).

The CDI is managed by Ms. Leviel, teacher-librarian.

Access to online resources:

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Quelques chiffres :

Plus de 12000 livres : dictionnaires, livres documentaires, œuvres philosophiques et littéraires, bandes dessinées, mangas, romans… accessibles en lecture sur place et/ou en prêt.

Plus de 11000 périodiques archivés et disponibles pour la recherche documentaire.

Des revues et des journaux : 60 abonnements, de la presse quotidienne nationale et locale aux revues littéraires, scientifiques, économiques, commerciales, artistiques, culturelles et des revues en langues étrangères.

Avec l’aide de la Région Nouvelle Aquitaine et du lycée, le CDI est abonné à des ressources numériques : Europresse, Universalis, Annabac, EducArte…

20 postes informatiques reliés au réseau pédagogique du lycée, disposant d’un accès à internet et au portail

Une imprimante, un scanner et des casques audio sont accessibles pour les élèves.

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The CDI is...

  • A center of varied documentary resources

The CDI is a place of training in documentary research where autonomy in the face of work is a priority.
The documentary fund is fully computerized, each document is referenced in the BCDI software (books, journal articles, DVDs, etc.). In addition to this available and real fund, there is a referencing of web resources analyzed by information professionals.
Thanks to the esidoc portal, users can carry out a documentary search using keywords and quickly locate a document in the CDI or have access to digital resources.

In the second year of high school, students participate in educational sessions to consolidate their college knowledge on the esidoc portal. This training allows, among other things, to develop their information-documentary skills.

Throughout their high school education, in connection with the programs, students are supported in their documentary research for EMC (Moral and Civic Education), one-off educational activities (exhibitions, etc.), media and information education (EMI) and preparation for the oral exam.

With the digital tools made available to them, students are encouraged to develop their digital skills for PIX certification.

Students of the BTS International Trade and the BTS Digitalization and Customer Relations Negotiation have a dedicated documentary space, with resources specific to their teaching. The CDI subscribes to specialized magazines such as Le Moniteur du Commerce International, Classe Export, Action Commerciale, Marketing Magazine.

Students in the European classes (English, Spanish) have at their disposal a "Europe" point with novels, documentary books, comics, DVDs in Spanish and English. We also subscribe to various magazines in monolingual and bilingual versions. (English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese)

Students learning Japanese can borrow novels by Japanese authors (in French!) from the dedicated space, an immersion in Japanese culture!

  • A place to live

Students develop together while respecting each other. So that everyone can find ideal working or reading conditions, rules of life are established

  • A space for reading and cultural openness

Students come to read for pleasure, to learn and to open up to the world. In partnership with the Region's youth representative and teachers, events are organized such as writers' meetings, Press Week, exhibitions, participation in prizes, etc. Students' work is also highlighted.

  • A place to help build a personal and professional project

The ONISEP Kiosk is made available to students. Actions related to guidance support are implemented with teachers

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