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Maison des lycéens

The Maison des lycéens (MDL) is an association under the 1901 law organized, led and managed by a team of student volunteers.

Its action is part of a citizenship education project by contributing to the personal development of high school students, while developing their autonomy and their sense of responsibility.

The MDL supports and promotes the emergence of projects, creation, expression of high school students, and all forms of artistic, cultural and civic practices.

The MDL supports clubs and all high school initiatives

It is also a relaxation area open to all during opening hours.

Students can get involved in the MDL management team and thus discover how an association works, take initiatives and decisions, manage a budget, exercise responsibilities, etc.

Students can also get involved in clubs, setting up various projects (radio and newspaper club, open stages, music studio, senior dance, table football tournament, etc.)

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