Specialized teaching in general education
9 specialist courses are offered:
- History-geography, geopolitics and political sciences
- Humanities, literature and philosophy
- Foreign and regional languages, literatures and cultures (English or Spanish)
- Literatures and languages and cultures of Antiquity (Latin)
In 1st:
4 hours per specialty
3 specialties to choose from
En Terminale :
6h par spécialité
2 spécialités au choix
Baccalaureate assessment:
Click here to access the details of the assessments and coefficients taken into account for the baccalaureate.
Test your tastes to choose your specialties on the L'Etudiant website:

La spécialité histoire-géographie, géopolitique et sciences politiques (HGGSP) s’adresse aux élèves qui aiment comprendre le monde, suivent l’actualité et s’intéressent à la complexité des relations internationales. Elle permet de s’ouvrir à toutes sortes de milieux : journalisme, tourisme, économie, environnement, droit, etc. Suivre HGGSP est aussi une bonne opportunité d’ouvrir son champ de réflexion et sa culture générale.
Le programme de première est décliné en cinq grands thèmes :
Comprendre un régime politique : la démocratie,
Analyser les dynamiques des puissances internationales,
Étudier les divisions politiques du monde,
S’informer : un regard critique sur les sources et les modes de communication,
Analyser les relations entre les États et les religions.
History-geography, geopolitics and political sciences

Humanities, literature and philosophy
The Humanities, Literature and Philosophy (HLP) specialty is aimed at curious students who like to broaden their horizons, think wider, higher, deeper and more finely. If you recognize yourself in this portrait, you will find something to flourish, something to nourish your tastes and diversify your culture.
The first year, like the final year, is divided into semesters: two themes are addressed each year, one per semester. In the first year, you will study "the powers of speech" from September to January, according to three axes: the art of speech, the authority of speech, and the seduction of speech. From January to June, you will work on "representations of the world": on the one hand, the discovery of the world and the plurality of cultures, on the other hand, describing, representing and imagining man and animal. In the final year, we work in the first semester on the question of "the search for oneself", and in the second semester on "humanity in question".
The approach is generally chronological: from Antiquity to the Enlightenment in the first year; from Romanticism to the 21st century in the final year.

Foreign and regional languages, literatures and cultures (English or Spanish)
If you like learning languages and are interested in other cultures, you should choose the Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LLCE) specialization. With this specialization, you will have the opportunity to use the language more and you will be able to better understand how it works. Language will be a tool for you to communicate, discover and analyze very varied documents.
During this first year, you will have the opportunity to practice all the skills related to learning a language, namely written and oral comprehension and production. You will learn to analyze and relate documents from various sources and of varying difficulty while taking part in an in-depth study of the language. Finally, you will refine your linguistic correction and develop a more fluent and authentic pronunciation.
The specialty will also be a privileged time to proceed with the reading and study of two complete works from a defined list (the choice of works is left to the professors).
In addition, this course will give special importance to culture and arts: it will not be limited to literature, but will also cover cinematography, painting, sculpture and music. The aim is to expand as much as possible your knowledge of the cultural area studied.
Literatures and languages and cultures of Antiquity (Latin)
If the ancient Mediterranean world, with its contacts, influences, movements and conflicts fascinates you and you like to discover abundant mythologies, the specialization in languages, literatures and cultures of Antiquity (LLCA) will definitely interest you. This subject will allow you to learn ancient languages and introduce you to the art of translation, but also to acquire a broad general culture, between epic, philosophy and architecture.
The interdisciplinary approach of the specialization in languages, literatures and cultures of Antiquity will allow you to develop a broad general culture, ranging from knowledge of the etymology and structure of the language to history, literary analysis and reading images. You will also acquire a rigorous working method and a critical eye necessary for future students and, more generally, future citizens.

Si vous aimez chercher des solutions, réfléchir, élaborer des stratégies, ou si, tout simplement, vous vous orientez vers une filière qui demandera de connaître les outils des mathématiques (statistiques, algorithmes, etc.) alors la spécialité mathématiques sera indispensable.
Rigueur, imagination, capacité à mener une argumentation, goût pour la recherche… La spécialité mathématiques permet de développer ses capacités de réflexion dès la première. C’est en s’exerçant à la résolution de problèmes suffisamment tôt et en modélisant ses solutions par le biais de logiciels que les mathématiques permettent l’exercice de la raison et l’habitude de rechercher et de trouver des solutions.
La spécialité mathématiques vous permettra de manier des outils indispensables à bien d’autres matières : physique, technologie, économie, gestion, génétique, etc. La liste est longue ! En effet, on n’a jamais vu quelqu’un faire des sciences sans le soutien prononcé des mathématiques. Plus qu’un support, elles sont des fondations.

Physics chemistry
If you love science and aspire to a scientific career, whether it be medicine, research, engineering or aeronautics, why not choose the physics and chemistry specialty for your first year?
This specialty places great emphasis on experimentation and restores the role of modeling and the mathematical formulation of physical laws. You will be led to take a step back by making the connection between physics-chemistry and the world around you. But the theoretical aspects will not be neglected.
The teaching includes 4 hours each week (2 hours in the whole class and 2 hours of practical work in groups) to develop 3 essential skills in a scientist:
Experimental practice: it encourages initiative and takes into account students’ interests.
Analysis and synthesis of scientific documents: with a view to being able to produce an objective, critical and clear presentation.
Scientific problem solving: mobilizing one's knowledge and abilities to achieve a set objective without the path being given.
The practical work hours allow you to work specifically on the scientific approach, autonomy, efficiency and communication.
The Earth Life Sciences (SVT) specialty is for you if you like discovering what happens inside a living being, if you want to understand how an ecosystem works or if you want to discover what makes planet Earth "live".
The SVT specialty teaching is organized around three themes:
The theme "the Earth, life and the organization of living things" allows you to discover the major phenomena linked to the coding and reading of genetic information and to understand how the notion of geological plate movements was constructed.
The theme "contemporary issues facing the planet" introduces essential notions in ecology.
The theme "human body and health" allows us to address the consequences of modifications to DNA (sensitivity to diseases, cancers, resistance of bacteria to antibiotics) and also allows us to understand how the human immune system works.
With the teaching of SVT, you will learn to carry out scientific approaches applied to the study of living things and the Earth, to experiment and model, to question scientific practices and their results. Beyond its scientific and experimental aspect, this teaching is part of the major current reflections of human societies: sustainable development, geological risks, addictions, sexuality, public health, media and information.

Economic and social sciences
The economic and social sciences (SES) specialty will appeal to you if you enjoyed the SES course in second year and if you want to deepen your knowledge of economics, sociology and political science. It is also suitable if you want to move towards scientific, literary or linguistic studies while opening your training to economic and social knowledge.
During the school year, you will address economic themes such as the market, the financing of the economy and money. You will also study sociological themes such as socialization, social ties and the processes that contribute to deviance.
You will also address political science themes that invite an exploration of the formation of public opinion and voting mechanisms. Finally, in a last part, called "crossed perspectives", you will deal in an interdisciplinary way with the themes of the organization and governance of companies and that of risk management.
Through this course, you will master the basic knowledge of economic, social and political sciences necessary for pursuing higher education. In particular, you will acquire skills in calculating, reading and interpreting statistical data and, more generally, you will develop your scientific mind.
You will acquire scientific methods by learning to formulate hypotheses, construct indicators and subject their hypotheses to the test of facts. You will also learn to master the methods of the baccalaureate exams in terms of processing complex questions, data analysis, knowledge selection, exploitation of varied documents, but also construction of arguments and reasoning. Finally, you will develop your written and oral expression skills.